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Are You Reaching Mobile Users?

Is a Mobile App Right For My Business?

The honest answer is – maybe – maybe not.
Are you in need of a robust POS platform that allows customers to buy from your website?
The answer is Yes.
Solution: Native App development. Cost: $5000+
Do you need to build your own expensive platform that allows consumers to learn about your store at a glance with a video introduction, GEO targeting, retention features, and the ability to offer discounts? The answer is No.
Solution: Thymbols Branding Page.Cost: As low as $100 per month.

What Is Thymbol?

A business powered and consumer inspired mobile app and web based discount site.
An autonomous business portal that allows managers to create digital coupons in real-time that is conducive to their businesses success.
An affordable way to reach mobile users.
A platform designed to help managers reach new customers and retain their existing customers.

Quick Mobile Facts

92% of consumers used a coupon on a purchase in the past year, compared to 93% the previous year
55% of customers find mobile apps more useful than the store for finding promotions
54% of consumers want personalized offers through SMS or app messages when close to a store
56% of consumers visited a brick-and-mortar store after receiving a deal or offer on their mobile device when near a store

You are at the right place to learn more about Thymbol, just click on the Features tab at the top of the page.